I. Section 1 - Choirs from High Schools with musical profile and Seminaries
1. Children’s Choir Armonia from Vinnita – Ucraina, Conductor Gordiienko Tetiana
2. Girls vocal assembly Anhelorus from Musical High School nr 23 from Kiev - Ucraina, Conductor Tetiana Stefanyshyna
II. 2nd Section: Musical Universities and Theology Faculties
1. Students Choir Marisiensis from Art Universiti of Tg. Mures, conductor Phd. Ana Maria Niculescu
2. Students Choir Resonance from Iurie Fedcovici Cernauti Nationa University – Ucraina, Conductor Olha Churikova-Kushnir.
3. Students Choir Anima, Conductor Nataliia Krechko, from National University of Culture and Art, Kiev – Ucraina
4. Men Choir ”Mitropolitul Iosif Naniescu” Faculty of Orthodox Theology ”Dumitru Staniloae” Iasi, Conductor Prof. Nastasa Gabriel
III. 3rd Section Young amateurs Choirs (they do not study in music in schools)
1. Melody Choir from the Cultural House of Ivano - Frankovsk – Ucraina, Conductor Yarema Koval
2. Student choir Novellus from the National Academy of Aliment Technologies, Odessa – Ucraina, Conductor Getmanets Natalia
3. Student choir of the Technical National University from Kiev – Ucraina, Conductor Ruslan Bondar.
4. Youth choire Cantabile from the Economical Study Academy of Chisinău, Republica of Moldavia, Conductor Elena Marian.
5. Cameral Choire Cantabile from the theoretical High School Ioan Slavici from Panciu, Vrancea County, Conductor Andrei Igor Manovici.
6 Cameral Choire Crescendo of the State Pedagogical University al from Krivoy Rog – Ucraina, Conductor Victoriia Serhieieva.
7. Cameral Choire Dorna of the Ortodox Parish Dorna Candrenilor – Suceava County, România, conductor Doroftiese Gabriel Gheorghiță
IV. 4th Contest Section - Cantus Mundi children choir
1. Children Choir Solo Musica from Odessa – Ucraina, Conductor Bondar Ievgeniia.
2. Children Choir Allegretto from Art high – School Dinu Lipatti, Pitesti – România, conductor Sandu Cristian
3. Children Choir Angeli from the Musical Association Angeli, Iasi, Romania, Conductor Mirela Palamariu
4. Children Choir Trison from the Theoretical High-School Iulia Hașdeu, Chișinău –Moldavian Republic, Conductor Sofia Volcov – Caranfil
5. Children Choire of the National Art Octav Bancilă High-School from Iași, România, Conductor Petronela Dârțu
V. 5th Contest Section – Psaltic Music
1. Psaltic Choir ”Chivotul” form the Iasi Archbishop, Cond. Ciprian Rusu
2. Vlaho-Bizantin Choir of Buzău Archbishop, Cond. Arhid. Prof. Constantin Stoica
3. Psaltic choir of the Saint John the Baptist Botoșani, Conductor Gheorghe Bulboacă
4. Psaltic Music assembly of the Theological Orthodox Veniamin Costachi Neamț, Conductor Marius Brumă
5. Psaltic Music assembly Basileus from the Orthodox Theological Seminary Saint Vasile the Great, Iași Cond. Diac. Prof. Mihai Ursache
6. Psaltic music assembly of the Theological Orthodox Seminary Saint John Jacob from Dorohoi, cond. Cezar Murariu